Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Peace Treaty Signed at Yellow Cab

Who: The signatory parties
What: Peace Treaty
When: February 3, 2009
Where: Yellow Cab at Insular Building
Why: World peace, no matter how overused it is.

I think the Five Ws above are sufficient enough to show the gist of this post. Apparently, I'm an Italian food fan.  

Dear Darla Pizza and Chicken Alfredo Pasta

I was curious of this particular pizza. It makes me salivate everytime I swipe my card at the choo choo train station in the CBD. Here's what I found after a quick detour to Google: 

"The pizza, named after the puppy love between characters Darla and Alfalfa in the iconic “Little Rascals” movie, offers alfalfa sprouts and arugula leaves [Caveat: Both may taste a little bitter to non-veggie eaters. ~ The Authoress] as main ingredients. They are served in a box along with a pie cut into rectangular slices, sparsely topped with the default tomato sauce, cheese, olives, onions and pepperoni."

Now I know. Cute!
And here's the wide-mouthed big rascal enjoying his Dear Darla Pizza.

One particular square of the black and white wall of this food chain says it all. The right side, that is.

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