Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm Blogging About: Fruit Shaped Jelly Drink!

 Banana, strawberry, orange, grape and mango shaped jelly drinks

One of the best things about blogging is the freedom from any form of constraint. With this blog, I get to ramble anything about my life especially my cheap thrills. It might be something that is only funny or amusing  to me or simply mundane. 

On my way home, I found this Easy Open Fruit Shape Jelly Jelly (yup, this word was repeated!) Drink at a local drugstore slash convenience store. My original plan was to look for the generic-shaped Jellyace but, for some weird reason, they seemed to be elusive nowadays. Was it just me or it's not that popular anymore? Hahaha! Anyway, these cute fruit-shaped jelly drinks really amused my infantile self. 

As always, I'm looking forward to more fruit inspired shapes from Knotsberry Farm.*

* Oh no, not the theme park and the fruit jam maker. Check the spelling.

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