Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oreo Cookie Nostalgia

So while I was trying to squeeze myself through a packed MRT ride (it's rush hour, dear), my gaze turned to somebody who was texting so seriously as if she had her own e-bubble wrap from the outside world. Mind you, I find it amusing because that unsmiling lady was still texting despite the fact that she barely made it to the automatic closing vis-a-vis the warning sound emitted by the MRT. Tsk. That led me to remember the word "jejemon", although I had no way of finding out if that lady was laughing "jeje" while texting. Fact: I cringe at the mere mention of that word. But then a  mental wordplay ensued. Jejemon. Pokemon. Mon short for monster. Cookie monster. Aha! Cookie! 

So I bought one of my favorite cookies of all time - Oreo cookies! I used to consume a lot of them during my younger years. Lo and behold, the thought made me smile. I'm fully aware that sometimes we just have to pay tribute to our younger days. Since I love to take snapshots of anything that made me happy, I arranged the cookies in a saucer for a quick photo shoot.

Oreo cookies in a "floral arrangement"

Clockwise from top: strawberry creme, chocolate creme, classic creme and double delight flavors (peanut butter & chocolate)

Who would have thought that a monster (pun intended) would make me feel nostalgic and happy as well? :)

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