Friday, April 9, 2010

Clarin Ancestral House in Loay

So while I've been not blogging, I've been basking in the humid Holy Week air in Bohol, specifically in Loay. Aside from the typical meet-and-greet with the oldies based there, my bro Popo and I spent basically an entire Holy Tuesday afternoon wandering in the quiet town of Loay and taking pictures as well. Then we ended in Clarin Ancestral House which is just a few steps away from great-grandfather's house.

For the Bol-anons, the surname Clarin speaks of prominence. Built in 1840, the Clarin Ancestral House is a typical heritage house of a rich political clan in the province, and it is registered with National Historical Institute. The house has produced two senators, congressmen, a governor,  a mayor, blah-blah. You got it. I'm just simply amazed with the fact that the family has managed to preserve the precious artifacts and to showcase it to the public. Click here if you like details.

Part of Cafe Olegario, a snack cafe inside the Clarin Ancestral House grounds

A 1920's reproduction of Juan Luna's Spoliarium ~ an indication of a growing sense of nationalism

 Chess table ~ used to be the chess session table of Olegario Clarin, Sr. and President Carlos P. Garcia

Butaka or the quintessential impolite chair ~ even the Westernized elite need to let their hair down

Half-canopied high bed with raised carving ~ high class then used to be taken literally

Cuspidor or spittoon ~ made of porcelain

Urinola or porcelain chamber pot

Urna/family altarpieces with heirloom ivory saints ~ devotion going hand-in-hand with quality

Porcupine, caught in Palawan during one of the Clarin brothers hunting trip

 Chinoiserie porcelainware ~ a must for a house that entertained so many great men and women during its heyday

Banggera/earthen jar stand ~ concession to a native architectural devise

Dining table

Study tables in the family library

Looking glass with hat pegs ~ the colonial version of the hat check

Juan Luna's Blood Compact ~ a reproduction made in the 1920's. The original now hangs at the Malacañan Palace.

Prasko/demijohn or wine vessel ~ a relic of fiestas of long ago

Maltabana/big jar ~ one of the status symbols of ancient trade

Receiving area

Their version of NYC's Statue of Liberty ~ reminiscent of American colonial period

An entrance fee of Php 20 is all worth it!

For a heritage house which is more than 100 years old, I kinda expected to catch spirit orbs in my digicam. Strange as it may seem and quite surprisingly as well, I didn't catch any! LOL!

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